UFR 4-18 Evaluation

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Flow and heat transfer in a pin-fin array

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Confined Flows

Underlying Flow Regime 4-18


Comparison of CFD Calculations with Experiments

Discuss how well the CFD calculations of the assessment quantities compare with experiment and with one another. Present some key comparisons in the form of tables or graphical plots and, where possible, provide hyperlinks to the appropriate results database. Results with different turbulence models covering as wide a range as possible should be included in the discussion. However, if too many different calculation results are available (e.g. from workshops) do not present all the comparisons here. A selection should be made showing results only for the most typical and practically important models. Comprehensive comparisons can be made available via a link to the associated databases. Finally, draw conclusions on the ability of the models used to simulate the test case flow.

Global comparisons

Pressure loss coefficient

The following table gives the numerical values of the presure loss coefficient in Ames et al. experiment as well as those obtained in the main computations.

Figure ?? shows these values and compare them to existing correlations from the literature:

  • Metzger et al. (1982) :

for , Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle f = 0.317 {Re_D}^{−0.132} } , for , Failed to parse (SVG with PNG fallback (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "https://en.wikipedia.org/api/rest_v1/":): {\displaystyle f = 1.76 {Re_D}^{−0.318}}

  • Jacob (1938) :

Pressure loss coefficient values for the different computations
LES3000 LES10000 EBRSM10000 PHI10000 kwSST10000 EBRSM30000 PHI30000 kwSST30000
0.1076 0.0939 0.0963 0.0789 0.0883 0.0771 0.0615 0.0744

Friction Final Results.jpg
Figure ??: Pressure loss coefficient

Average Nusselt Number

Average Nusselt number on the bottom wall
Exp. 3000 Exp. 10000 Exp. 30000 LES3000 LES10000 EBRSM10000 PHI10000 kwSST10000 EBRSM30000 PHI30000 kwSST30000
22.1 54.1 111.5 21.6 48.6 48.1 37.6 33.1 114.8 93.3 72

NusAv Final Results.jpg
Figure ??: Averaged Nusselt number on the bottom wall

Local comparisons

Mean pressure coefficient

Cp midplane Re3000 rows1 2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: Pressure coefficient along the midline of the pins - LES at

Cp midplane Re10000 rows1 2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: Pressure coefficient along the midline of the pins - LES and URANS computations at

Cp midplane Re30000 rows1 2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: Pressure coefficient along the midline of the pins - URANS computations at

Mean velocity profiles

U Re3000 lineB rows1 2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: Mean stream-wse velocity component along line B - LES at

U Re10000 lineB rows1 2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: Mean stream-wse velocity component along line B - LES and URANS computations at

U Re30000 lineB rows1 2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: Mean stream-wse velocity component along line B - URANS computations at

U Re30000 lineA1 rows2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: Mean stream-wse velocity component along line A1 - URANS computations at

R.m.s. velocity profiles

Urms Re3000 lineB rows1 2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: R.m.s. of the stream-wise velocity component along line B - LES at

Urms Re10000 lineB rows1 2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: R.m.s. of the stream-wise velocity component along line B - LES and URANS computations at

Urms Re10000 lineB rows1 2 3 5 details.jpg
Figure ??: Resolved and modelled contributions to the r.m.s. of the stream-wise velocity component along line B - URANS computations at

Urms Re30000 lineB rows1 2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: R.m.s. of the stream-wise velocity component along line B - URANS computations at

Urms Re30000 lineB rows1 2 3 5 details.jpg
Figure ??: Resolved and modelled contributions to the r.m.s. of the stream-wise velocity component along line B - URANS computations at

Urms Re30000 lineA1 rows2 3 5.jpg
Figure ??: R.m.s. of the stream-wise velocity component along line A1 - URANS computations at

Urms Re30000 lineA1 rows2 3 5 details.jpg
Figure ??: Resolved and modelled contributions to the r.m.s. of the stream-wise velocity component along line A1 - URANS computations at

Nusselt number on the bottom wall

Image Nusselt Re3000.jpg
Figure ??: Local Nusselt number on the bottom wall - LES computation at vs. experimental results from Ames et al.

Image Nusselt Re10000.jpg
Figure ??: Local Nusselt number on the bottom wall - LES and URANS computations at vs. experimental results from Ames et al.

Image Nusselt Re30000.jpg
Figure ??: Local Nusselt number on the bottom wall - URANS computations at vs. experimental results from Ames et al.

Nus o NusAv different y Re3000 LES y0 y1.25 improved.jpg
Figure ??: Local Nusselt number on the bottom wall - - top: Y=0, bottom: Y=1.25 - symb.: Exp. - black: LES

Nus o NusAv different y Re10000 all y0 y1.25 improved.jpg
Figure ??: Local Nusselt number on the bottom wall - - top: Y=0, bottom: Y=1.25 - symb.: Exp. - black: LES - red: EBRSM - blue: Phi-model - green: kw-SST

Nus o NusAv different y Re30000 y0 y1.25 improved.jpg
Figure ??: Local Nusselt number on the bottom wall - - top: Y=0, bottom: Y=1.25 - symb.: Exp. - red: EBRSM - blue: Phi-model - green: kw-SST

Contributed by: Sofiane Benhamadouche — EDF

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