UFR 4-20 Test Case

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Mixing ventilation flow in an enclosure driven by a transitional wall jet

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Confined Flows

Underlying Flow Regime 4-20

Test Case Studies

Brief description of the study test case

The geometry of the reduced-scale enclosure studied in this UFR was cubical with edge L = 0.3 m. A linear ventilation inlet slot was present at the top with a height hinlet/L = 0.1 and a width winlet/L = 1, and a linear ventilation outlet was located at the bottom of the opposing wall (houtlet/L = 0.0167) (see Fig. 1). The walls had a thickness d (d/L = 8/30). The slot Reynolds number was defined as Re = U0hinlet/ν, with U0 the bulk inlet velocity, hinlet the slot height (see Fig. 1a) and ν the kinematic viscosity at room temperature (≈ 20°C). For this study two Re-values were included: Re = 1,000 and Re = 2,500, which resulted in mixing ventilation driven by a transitional wall jet, including the typical large recirculation cell, jet detachment from the top surface and Kelvin-Helmholtz-type instabilities in the shear layer of the wall jet (van Hooff et al. 2012a). No temperature differences were included (isothermal case); i.e. no buoyancy effects were present.

Test case experiments

Experimental setup

A reduced-scale water-filled model was built to perform flow visualizations and PIV measurements of forced mixing ventilation (Fig. 2). The experimental setup consisted of: (1) a water column to drive the flow by hydrostatic pressure; (2) a flow conditioning section; (3) a cubic test section with dimensions 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 m3 (L3); and (4) an overflow. The conditioning section in front of the inlet consisted of one honeycomb, three screens and a contraction. The diameter of the hexagonal honeycombs (type ECM 4.8/77) was dh = 4.8 mm and the length to diameter ratio was 10.4 (Lh = 50 mm). Three screens were included downstream of the honeycombs to reduce the longitudinal components of turbulence and the mean-velocity gradients, with porosities of 72%, 65% and 60%, and thread diameters of 1.6 mm, 1.0 mm and 0.4 mm, respectively (porosity reduces in flow direction). Finally, a contraction further reduced the velocity gradients and turbulence intensities and accelerated the flow. The shape of the contraction was based on the fifth-order polynomial of Bell and Mehta (1988), which has been optimized by Brassard and Ferchichi (2005) by adding the coefficient α:

with ξ the normalized length of the contraction, hg the normalized height of the contraction, Lc the length of the contraction and Hi and He the heights of the contraction inlet and the contraction outlet, respectively. The length Lc of the contraction was 0.09 m, He is 0.03 m, Hi is 0.09 m. Defraeye (2006) found an optimum value for α of 0.5, which was used for the contraction in this setup as well.

The test section was constructed from glass plates with a thickness of 8 mm (Fig. 1a). The maximum local velocity UM (Fig. 1b) was used to make the velocities non-dimensional (U/UM). Note that UM was defined as the local maximum time-averaged x-velocity, and thus varies with both x/L and Re. It was chosen to use UM since the exact inlet velocity was not measured and thus not known and could therefore not be used to make the velocities inside the enclosure dimensionless.

Contributed by: T. van Hooff — Eindhoven University of Technology

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