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== Test Case Experiments ==
== Test Case Experiments ==
=== Experimental Setup ===
The description given in the present subsection has been given by F. Ames during the $15^{th}$ Ercoftac SIG15 Workshop. More information could also be found in Ames et al. (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007).
Experimental Approach
  The  objective  of  this  project  was  to  develop  a  database  that  included  heat  transfer
distributions  on  the  pin  fins  and  endwall,  pressure  distributions  on  the  pin  fins  and  endwall,
documentation of turbulence intensities and scales, and measurements of turbulence and velocity
distributions across the channels.  This research was conducted in a small bench top wind tunnel,
shown in Figure 1 which included a small blower capable of producing a flow of 0.3 m3/s at a
static  pressure  rise  of  2000  Pa.    The  blower was  driven  by  a  2 kW motor  controlled with  a
variable frequency drive.  The pin fin array was designed in an 8 row, 7 ½ pin per row staggered
arrangement.  Both the cross passage (S/D) and streamwise (X/D) pin spacing were 2.5 while the
pin  height  to  diameter  (H/D) was  2.  The  pin  diameter was  chosen  to  be  2.54  cm.    The  flow
conditioning system  first spread out  the  flow  from  the blower  to the width of  the array using a
two-stage multi-vane diffuser.  A heat exchanger was  installed in the system downstream  from
the diffuser to control the tunnel temperature to a constant value.  The heat exchanger discharges
the flow into a screen box consisting of three nylon window screens to reduce the cross stream
velocity variations  in  the  flow.  Directly downstream of  the screens  the  flow entered a  smooth
2.5 to 1 area ratio nozzle prior to entering the test section.
  The pin fin array test section began 7.75 diameters upstream of the centerline of the first
row of pins and ended 7.75 diameters downstream of the centerline of the last row of pins.  The
inlet  total  temperature  and  pressure  and  static  pressures were measured  5  diameters  upstream
from the row one centerline and the exit static pressures were measured 5 diameters downstream
from row eight.  Both  the  inlet and exit  static  taps consisted of 5  taps  spread across one cross
passage  pin  spacing.  Downstream  from  the  test  section  the  flow was  directed  through  a  90°
rectangular elbow then a rectangular channel followed by a second 90° elbow before entering an
20.8 cm diameter orifice tube (see Miller [19]) used to measure the array flow rate. 
  Tests were  conducted  at  three Reynolds  numbers  including  3000,  10,000,  and  30,000. 
Reynolds number  is based  on VMAX, which  is  the  average  velocity  through  the minimum  area
between pins and the characteristic dimension of pin diameter.  Properties were determined from
the inlet conditions.
  Pin fin surface heat transfer and static pressure.  The  initial research focus  involved
measuring  the pin midspan  surface  static pressure  distribution and heat  transfer.  The midspan
pressure  distributions were acquired using a 2.54 cm  diameter pin which contained  20 equally
spaced 0.76 mm static pressure taps around the midspan perimeter.  Measurements were made in
6° increments by indexing the pin.  The pin midspan heat transfer was acquired using a 2.54 cm
diameter epoxy pin with 24 fine wire thermocouples with junctions cast near the surface at the midspan of the pin.  The pin was wrapped with a 0.023 mm Inconel foil backed with a 0.13 mm
Kapton film and adhered to  the pin using a pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive which was 0.05
mm  thick.  One bus bar was soldered to the foil while  the other was adhered using electrically
conductive  silver  epoxy  with  the  bus  bars  integrated  into  the  back  surface  of  the  pin.    The
constant heat  flux boundary  condition was generated by passing a  large DC current, measured
using a constantan shunt resistor,  through the foil.  During heat  transfer measurements,  the pin
was indexed at 5° increments to develop better surface heat transfer resolution.  Additionally, the
pin was also  rotated  to allow measurement of  the pin backside heat  transfer.  The  surface heat
flux  was  taken  as  the  dissipated  heat  flux  plus  any  positive  or  negative  contribution  due  to
conduction less  the  thermal radiation.  Conduction through the pin was estimated using a  finite
difference model of the pin.  The surface temperatures were determined based on the measured
temperatures extrapolated to the surface of the foil based on the local heat flux and conductance
from the junction to the foil surface.  The emissivity of the foil was assumed to be 0.21   
  Pin  fin array turbulence and velocity measurements.  Array  turbulence and velocity
measurements were acquired using single and X wire hotwire probes powered by a TSI IFA 300
constant temperature anemometry unit.  A special low velocity jet was developed to calibrate the
wires  from  0.4  m/s  through  40  m/s  to  enable  measurements  of  turbulence  and  velocity
distributions  over  a  10  to  1  range  in Reynolds  number.  The  hotwires were  positioned  in  the
channel between  two pins  using  a  two  axis  traversing  system  configured  from  two  lead  screw
drive  tables  for  actuating  the  probe  in  the  cross-passage  and  endwall  normal  directions. 
Turbulence  measurements  to  document  the  streamwise  development  of  turbulence  intensity,
dissipation,  and  turbulent  scale were  acquired  for  each  row  in  a  plane  defined  in  connecting
adjacent  pin  centerlines  at  the  positions  shown  in  Figure  2a  and  averaged.    Velocity  and
turbulence distributions off the endwall and off the pin were acquired along the positions shown
in Figure 2b.  Turbulence measurements to document the turbulence dissipation and scale were
based on 40 velocity time records containing 8192 points and were sampled at 5, 15 and 40 kHz. 
Each record was used to generate a power spectrum using an FFT and then averaged.  The local
dissipation was determine by fitting the inertial subrange of the averaged power spectrum to Eq.
(3-152a) of Hinze [20]
taking A  as  1.62  after Ames  and Moffat  [21].  The  integral  length  scale was  estimated  using
Taylor’s hypothesis by multiplying the integral time scale by the local convective velocity.  The
integral  time  scale was  determined  by  integrating  the  autocorrelation  in  time  to  its  first  zero
crossing.    The  autocorrelation  in  time was  determined  from  an  inverse  FFT  of  the  averaged
power spectrum.
  Pin  and  endwall  static  pressure  distributions.  Pin  fin  and  endwall  surface  pressure
measurements were acquired using a 8.65 cm diameter plug with 20 taps.  The plug had 10 taps
on the endwall spaced radially outward from the pin and 10 taps on the pin as shown in Figure
3a.  The  pin was  rotated  at  10°  increments  to  document  the  pin  and  endwall  surface  pressure
distribution as shown in Figure 3b.  The actual tap locations are given in the legend on Figure
3b.  The  plug with  rotating  pressure  taps  fit  in  8  alternating  holes  in  the  top  of  a  special  test
surface  corresponding  to positions  in rows  1  through  8.  Note  that  the pressure measurements
were assumed to be symmetric in the cross-passage direction.  These pressure distributions were
reported in Ames and Dvorak [4] but were not included here.
Endwall heat transfer measurements.  Full surface endwall heat transfer measurements
were acquired using a constant heat  flux  test surface shown in Figure 4 and a FLIR SC500  IR
camera.  A constant surface heat  flux boundary condition was generated using  three, 15.28 cm
wide by 68.58 cm long, 0.023 mm thick Inconel foils with 0.127 mm thick Kapton backing and
0.05 mm  thick  acrylic  adhesive.    The  three  foils  were  adhered  to  a  0.89 mm  thick  sheet  of
fiberglass  epoxy  board which  in  turn was  epoxied  to  a  3.81  cm  thick  section  of  isocyanurate
foam.  The  three  foils were  connected  in  series.  The  current  through  the  foil  and  the  voltage
across  the  center  foil was  used  to  determine  the  surface  heat  flux.  The  surface  heat  flux was
corrected for both local radiation and conduction loss.  The radiation loss assumed the emissivity
of the surface was 0.96 and the conduction loss was based on a simple 1-D model. 
The constant heat flux which was generated under the pins was conducted away using an
aluminum cooling plate with 56-2.54 cm diameter aluminum pins.  The top of the aluminum pins
were  located  just  under  the  fiberglass  epoxy  board  and  aligned  with  the  acrylic  pins  which
covered  the  foil  within  the  test  section.    The  aluminum  cooling  plate  was  controlled  to  a
temperature  that  minimized  the  influence  of  the  leading  edge  or  trailing  edge  temperature
boundary condition of  the  foil.  However, since  the surface heat  transfer varied around  the pin
surface,  this  produced  a mismatch  that  occurred  between  the  upstream  and  downstream  heat
transfer  image  of  the  endwall  around  a  pin.    This  interface  area  between  to  two  images was
averaged  and  smoothed  locally  assuming  the  average  of  the  two  values  at  the  interface  was
closer to the actual value.  The difference between the average value and a given image interface
was part of the experimental uncertainty.
  The  key  to  accurate  full  surface  endwall  heat  transfer  measurements  is  the  ability  to
measure  the  surface  temperature  accurately.    Full  surface  heat  transfer  measurements  were
acquired using a FLIR SC500 Infrared Camera.  The camera was equipped with a  special  lens
which  allowed  a much  wider  angle  (45°)  and  a much  closer  focal  plane  (6.35  cm)  than  the
standard lens.  This allowed the camera to acquire a 130 by 260 pixel image (3.175 cm by 6.35
cm)  through  a  5.08  cm  diameter  zinc  selenide  window.    At  each measurement  location,  the
camera  location  was  indexed  on  the  pins  to  ensure  a  consistent  camera  location  for  all  the
measurements.    The  accuracy  of  the  surface  temperature measurement  was  enhanced  by  the
calibration  of  the  camera  on  a  calibration  surface  through  the  same  zinc  selenide window,  the
manual  resetting of  the camera every  three or four pictures, and the averaging of  9  images  for
each heat transfer realization.  The driving force temperature difference was calculated as heated
endwall surface temperature corrected for the inlet temperature during the  test and for the local
calibration less the unheated endwall surface temperature corrected for the inlet temperature and
the local calibration.  The temperature difference also accounted for the bulk temperature rise of
the air due to endwall heating.
The  combination  of  these  methods  reduced  the  uncertainty  band  of  the  surface  temperature
measurement from about +/-2 °C to about +/- 0.7 °C.
Data Uncertainties.  Uncertainties  in  the  reported  values were  estimated based on  the
root  sum  square method  described  by Moffat  [22].  The  uncertainty  in  the  reported Reynolds
number was determined to be +/- 3% due to the possible error in the flow rate measurement.  Pin
midspan heat transfer was reported in terms of NuD/ReD
1/2.  The worst case uncertainty in midspan  NuD/ReD
1/2  was  estimated  to  be  +/-  6%.    The  largest  uncertainty  for  the  midspan
pressure coefficient was estimated to be +/- 0.075 due  to the very  low dynamic pressure at  the
low Reynolds number  condition.  However,  the  uncertainty  in  the pressure  coefficient was no
more  than +/- 0.025 at  the higher  two Reynolds numbers.    Uncertainty  in the measurement of
velocity  using  a  hot  wire  was  estimated  to  be  +/-  3%  except  in  the  near  wall  region  where
positional and conduction effects could substantially increase the possible error.  Additionally, at
high  turbulence  levels  single  wire  velocities  can  be  significantly  overestimated  if  traverse
fluctuation  velocities,  normal  to  the wire  become  high.    For  example  at  30%  intensity  levels
velocities  can  be  overestimated  by  4%.    The  reported  value  of  turbulence  intensity  had  an
uncertainty  of  approximately  +/-  3%  and  the  uncertainty  in  the  report  of  the  energy  (Lu)  and
integral (Lx) scales was about +/-13%.  Uncertainties in the reporting of pressure coefficients for
the full surface pressure measurements are similar to midline pin measurements.  However, these
values  can  be  significantly  higher when  positional  uncertainties  in  high  pressure  gradients  are
considered.  The reported uncertainties in Nusselt number are estimated to be as high at +/- 12%,
+/-11.4%, and +/-10.5% for the 3000, 10,000, and 30,000 Reynolds numbers respectively in the
endwall regions adjacent to the pins and +/- 9% away from the pin.  Uncertainty estimates were
determined using a 95% confidence interval.
Data Acquisition.  Pressures and single point  temperature measurements were acquired
using  a  PC  based  data  acquisition  system.    Voltage  signals  from  pressure  transducers,
thermocouples,  and  heaters  were  scanned  using  an  HP3497A  data  acquisition  unit  with  an
integral voltmeter.  The integral voltmeter had 1 mV sensitivity.  Thermocouples were connected
to  the  HP3497A  through  a  passive  constant  temperature  junction  referenced  to  an  ice  bath. 
p 17 / 228
Pressures were  acquired  using  a  custom build pressure  scanner which  included  two Rosemont
pressure  transmitters  read  in parallel and  set  to  full  scale  ranges of 125 Pa and 1250 Pa.  The
most sensitive reading in range was used and  the sensors had a reported +/- 0.1% of full scale
accuracy.  Hotwire measurements were  acquired  through  a  high  speed  data  acquisition  board
used with simultaneous sample and hold for X-wire measurements.  The TSI IFA 300 Constant
Temperature Anemometry Unit had on board buck, gain, and low-pass filtering.
== CFD Methods ==
== CFD Methods ==

Revision as of 17:09, 17 February 2014

Flow and heat transfer in a pin-fin array

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Confined Flows

Underlying Flow Regime 4-18

Test Case Study

Brief Description of the Study Test Case

This should:

  • Convey the general set up of the test-case configuration( e.g. airflow over a bump on the floor of a wind tunnel)
  • Describe the geometry, illustrated with a sketch
  • Specify the flow parameters which define the flow regime (e.g. Reynolds number, Rayleigh number, angle of incidence etc.)
  • Give the principal measured quantities (i.e. assessment quantities) by which the success or failure of CFD calculations are to be judged. These quantities should include global parameters but also the distributions of mean and turbulence quantities.

The description can be kept fairly short if a link can be made to a data base where details are given. For other cases a more detailed, fully self-contained description should be provided.

The experiments from Ames et al. deal with the flow of air around 8 staggered rows of 7.5 heated pins, spaced at P=2.5D in both stream-wise and span-wise directions (based on center to center distances). The diameter of the pins is set to 0.0254 m (1 inch) and the channel height is twice the diameter (H=2D). The Reynolds numbers based on the pin diameter and the average gap bulk velocity which have been tested are equal to 3,000, 10,000 and 30,000, respectively. The gap bulk velocity is determined between two adjacent pins of the same row. Taking and as the inlet and gap velocities, respectively, and considering mass conservation, one obtains .

A sketch of the original experimental configuration is given in Figure 1. In the experiment, the distance between the inlet (beginning of the test section; end of a converging nozzle) and the center of the first cylinders is equal to 7.75D. The distance between the center of the last cylinders and the test section is also equal to 7.75D.

The bottom wall is heated with a constant heat-flux whereas the other walls are adiabatic (Ames et al.). All the flow properties can be taken constant, the Prantl number is equal to 0.71.

Figure general configuration new.jpg
Figure 1: Sketch of Ames et al. experiment

Test Case Experiments

Provide a brief description of the test facility, together with the measurement techniques used. Indicate what quantities were measured and where.

Discuss the quality of the data and the accuracy of the measurements. It is recognized that the depth and extent of this discussion is dependent upon the amount and quality of information provided in the source documents. However, it should seek to address:

  • How close is the flow to the target/design flow (e.g. if the flow is supposed to be two-dimensional, how well is this condition satisfied)?
  • Estimation of the accuracy of measured quantities arising from given measurement technique
  • Checks on global conservation of physically conserved quantities, momentum, energy etc.
  • Consistency in the measurements of different quantities.

Discuss how well conditions at boundaries of the flow such as inflow, outflow, walls, far fields, free surface are provided or could be reasonably estimated in order to facilitate CFD calculations

Experimental Setup

The description given in the present subsection has been given by F. Ames during the $15^{th}$ Ercoftac SIG15 Workshop. More information could also be found in Ames et al. (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007). Experimental Approach

 The  objective  of  this  project  was  to  develop  a  database  that  included  heat  transfer 

distributions on the pin fins and endwall, pressure distributions on the pin fins and endwall, documentation of turbulence intensities and scales, and measurements of turbulence and velocity distributions across the channels. This research was conducted in a small bench top wind tunnel, shown in Figure 1 which included a small blower capable of producing a flow of 0.3 m3/s at a static pressure rise of 2000 Pa. The blower was driven by a 2 kW motor controlled with a variable frequency drive. The pin fin array was designed in an 8 row, 7 ½ pin per row staggered arrangement. Both the cross passage (S/D) and streamwise (X/D) pin spacing were 2.5 while the pin height to diameter (H/D) was 2. The pin diameter was chosen to be 2.54 cm. The flow conditioning system first spread out the flow from the blower to the width of the array using a two-stage multi-vane diffuser. A heat exchanger was installed in the system downstream from the diffuser to control the tunnel temperature to a constant value. The heat exchanger discharges the flow into a screen box consisting of three nylon window screens to reduce the cross stream velocity variations in the flow. Directly downstream of the screens the flow entered a smooth 2.5 to 1 area ratio nozzle prior to entering the test section.

 The pin fin array test section began 7.75 diameters upstream of the centerline of the first 

row of pins and ended 7.75 diameters downstream of the centerline of the last row of pins. The inlet total temperature and pressure and static pressures were measured 5 diameters upstream from the row one centerline and the exit static pressures were measured 5 diameters downstream from row eight. Both the inlet and exit static taps consisted of 5 taps spread across one cross passage pin spacing. Downstream from the test section the flow was directed through a 90° rectangular elbow then a rectangular channel followed by a second 90° elbow before entering an 20.8 cm diameter orifice tube (see Miller [19]) used to measure the array flow rate.

 Tests were  conducted  at  three Reynolds  numbers  including  3000,  10,000,  and  30,000.  

Reynolds number is based on VMAX, which is the average velocity through the minimum area between pins and the characteristic dimension of pin diameter. Properties were determined from the inlet conditions.

 Pin fin surface heat transfer and static pressure.   The  initial research focus  involved 

measuring the pin midspan surface static pressure distribution and heat transfer. The midspan pressure distributions were acquired using a 2.54 cm diameter pin which contained 20 equally spaced 0.76 mm static pressure taps around the midspan perimeter. Measurements were made in 6° increments by indexing the pin. The pin midspan heat transfer was acquired using a 2.54 cm diameter epoxy pin with 24 fine wire thermocouples with junctions cast near the surface at the midspan of the pin. The pin was wrapped with a 0.023 mm Inconel foil backed with a 0.13 mm Kapton film and adhered to the pin using a pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive which was 0.05 mm thick. One bus bar was soldered to the foil while the other was adhered using electrically conductive silver epoxy with the bus bars integrated into the back surface of the pin. The constant heat flux boundary condition was generated by passing a large DC current, measured using a constantan shunt resistor, through the foil. During heat transfer measurements, the pin was indexed at 5° increments to develop better surface heat transfer resolution. Additionally, the pin was also rotated to allow measurement of the pin backside heat transfer. The surface heat flux was taken as the dissipated heat flux plus any positive or negative contribution due to conduction less the thermal radiation. Conduction through the pin was estimated using a finite difference model of the pin. The surface temperatures were determined based on the measured temperatures extrapolated to the surface of the foil based on the local heat flux and conductance from the junction to the foil surface. The emissivity of the foil was assumed to be 0.21

 Pin  fin array turbulence and velocity measurements.   Array  turbulence and velocity 

measurements were acquired using single and X wire hotwire probes powered by a TSI IFA 300 constant temperature anemometry unit. A special low velocity jet was developed to calibrate the wires from 0.4 m/s through 40 m/s to enable measurements of turbulence and velocity distributions over a 10 to 1 range in Reynolds number. The hotwires were positioned in the channel between two pins using a two axis traversing system configured from two lead screw drive tables for actuating the probe in the cross-passage and endwall normal directions. Turbulence measurements to document the streamwise development of turbulence intensity, dissipation, and turbulent scale were acquired for each row in a plane defined in connecting adjacent pin centerlines at the positions shown in Figure 2a and averaged. Velocity and turbulence distributions off the endwall and off the pin were acquired along the positions shown in Figure 2b. Turbulence measurements to document the turbulence dissipation and scale were based on 40 velocity time records containing 8192 points and were sampled at 5, 15 and 40 kHz. Each record was used to generate a power spectrum using an FFT and then averaged. The local dissipation was determine by fitting the inertial subrange of the averaged power spectrum to Eq. (3-152a) of Hinze [20] taking A as 1.62 after Ames and Moffat [21]. The integral length scale was estimated using Taylor’s hypothesis by multiplying the integral time scale by the local convective velocity. The integral time scale was determined by integrating the autocorrelation in time to its first zero crossing. The autocorrelation in time was determined from an inverse FFT of the averaged power spectrum.

 Pin  and  endwall  static  pressure  distributions.  Pin  fin  and  endwall  surface  pressure 

measurements were acquired using a 8.65 cm diameter plug with 20 taps. The plug had 10 taps on the endwall spaced radially outward from the pin and 10 taps on the pin as shown in Figure 3a. The pin was rotated at 10° increments to document the pin and endwall surface pressure distribution as shown in Figure 3b. The actual tap locations are given in the legend on Figure 3b. The plug with rotating pressure taps fit in 8 alternating holes in the top of a special test surface corresponding to positions in rows 1 through 8. Note that the pressure measurements were assumed to be symmetric in the cross-passage direction. These pressure distributions were reported in Ames and Dvorak [4] but were not included here. Endwall heat transfer measurements. Full surface endwall heat transfer measurements were acquired using a constant heat flux test surface shown in Figure 4 and a FLIR SC500 IR camera. A constant surface heat flux boundary condition was generated using three, 15.28 cm wide by 68.58 cm long, 0.023 mm thick Inconel foils with 0.127 mm thick Kapton backing and 0.05 mm thick acrylic adhesive. The three foils were adhered to a 0.89 mm thick sheet of fiberglass epoxy board which in turn was epoxied to a 3.81 cm thick section of isocyanurate foam. The three foils were connected in series. The current through the foil and the voltage across the center foil was used to determine the surface heat flux. The surface heat flux was corrected for both local radiation and conduction loss. The radiation loss assumed the emissivity of the surface was 0.96 and the conduction loss was based on a simple 1-D model. The constant heat flux which was generated under the pins was conducted away using an aluminum cooling plate with 56-2.54 cm diameter aluminum pins. The top of the aluminum pins were located just under the fiberglass epoxy board and aligned with the acrylic pins which covered the foil within the test section. The aluminum cooling plate was controlled to a temperature that minimized the influence of the leading edge or trailing edge temperature boundary condition of the foil. However, since the surface heat transfer varied around the pin surface, this produced a mismatch that occurred between the upstream and downstream heat transfer image of the endwall around a pin. This interface area between to two images was averaged and smoothed locally assuming the average of the two values at the interface was closer to the actual value. The difference between the average value and a given image interface was part of the experimental uncertainty.

 The  key  to  accurate  full  surface  endwall  heat  transfer  measurements  is  the  ability  to 

measure the surface temperature accurately. Full surface heat transfer measurements were acquired using a FLIR SC500 Infrared Camera. The camera was equipped with a special lens which allowed a much wider angle (45°) and a much closer focal plane (6.35 cm) than the standard lens. This allowed the camera to acquire a 130 by 260 pixel image (3.175 cm by 6.35 cm) through a 5.08 cm diameter zinc selenide window. At each measurement location, the camera location was indexed on the pins to ensure a consistent camera location for all the measurements. The accuracy of the surface temperature measurement was enhanced by the calibration of the camera on a calibration surface through the same zinc selenide window, the manual resetting of the camera every three or four pictures, and the averaging of 9 images for each heat transfer realization. The driving force temperature difference was calculated as heated endwall surface temperature corrected for the inlet temperature during the test and for the local calibration less the unheated endwall surface temperature corrected for the inlet temperature and the local calibration. The temperature difference also accounted for the bulk temperature rise of the air due to endwall heating. The combination of these methods reduced the uncertainty band of the surface temperature measurement from about +/-2 °C to about +/- 0.7 °C. Data Uncertainties. Uncertainties in the reported values were estimated based on the root sum square method described by Moffat [22]. The uncertainty in the reported Reynolds number was determined to be +/- 3% due to the possible error in the flow rate measurement. Pin midspan heat transfer was reported in terms of NuD/ReD 1/2. The worst case uncertainty in midspan NuD/ReD 1/2 was estimated to be +/- 6%. The largest uncertainty for the midspan pressure coefficient was estimated to be +/- 0.075 due to the very low dynamic pressure at the low Reynolds number condition. However, the uncertainty in the pressure coefficient was no more than +/- 0.025 at the higher two Reynolds numbers. Uncertainty in the measurement of velocity using a hot wire was estimated to be +/- 3% except in the near wall region where positional and conduction effects could substantially increase the possible error. Additionally, at high turbulence levels single wire velocities can be significantly overestimated if traverse fluctuation velocities, normal to the wire become high. For example at 30% intensity levels velocities can be overestimated by 4%. The reported value of turbulence intensity had an uncertainty of approximately +/- 3% and the uncertainty in the report of the energy (Lu) and integral (Lx) scales was about +/-13%. Uncertainties in the reporting of pressure coefficients for the full surface pressure measurements are similar to midline pin measurements. However, these values can be significantly higher when positional uncertainties in high pressure gradients are considered. The reported uncertainties in Nusselt number are estimated to be as high at +/- 12%, +/-11.4%, and +/-10.5% for the 3000, 10,000, and 30,000 Reynolds numbers respectively in the endwall regions adjacent to the pins and +/- 9% away from the pin. Uncertainty estimates were determined using a 95% confidence interval. Data Acquisition. Pressures and single point temperature measurements were acquired using a PC based data acquisition system. Voltage signals from pressure transducers, thermocouples, and heaters were scanned using an HP3497A data acquisition unit with an integral voltmeter. The integral voltmeter had 1 mV sensitivity. Thermocouples were connected to the HP3497A through a passive constant temperature junction referenced to an ice bath. p 17 / 228 10

Pressures were acquired using a custom build pressure scanner which included two Rosemont pressure transmitters read in parallel and set to full scale ranges of 125 Pa and 1250 Pa. The most sensitive reading in range was used and the sensors had a reported +/- 0.1% of full scale accuracy. Hotwire measurements were acquired through a high speed data acquisition board used with simultaneous sample and hold for X-wire measurements. The TSI IFA 300 Constant Temperature Anemometry Unit had on board buck, gain, and low-pass filtering.

CFD Methods

Provide an overview of the methods used to analyze the test case. This should describe the codes employed together with the turbulence/physical models examined; the models need not be described in detail if good references are available but the treatment used at the walls should explained. Comment on how well the boundary conditions used replicate the conditions in the test rig, e.g. inflow conditions based on measured data at the rig measurement station or reconstructed based on well-defined estimates and assumptions.

Discuss the quality and accuracy of the CFD calculations. As before, it is recognized that the depth and extent of this discussion is dependent upon the amount and quality of information provided in the source documents. However the following points should be addressed:

  • What numerical procedures were used (discretisation scheme and solver)?
  • What grid resolution was used? Were grid sensitivity studies carried out?
  • Did any of the analyses check or demonstrate numerical accuracy?
  • Were sensitivity tests carried out to explore the effect of uncertainties in boundary conditions?
  • If separate calculations of the assessment parameters using the same physical model have been performed and reported, do they agree with one another?

Contributed by: Sofiane Benhamadouche — EDF

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