UFR 4-16 Description

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Flow in a 3D diffuser

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Confined flows

Underlying Flow Regime 4-16



Give a brief overview of the UFR in question. Describe the main characteristics of the type of flow. In particular, what are the underlying flow physics which characterise this UFR and must be captured by the CFD methods? If the UFR considered here is of special relevance for a particular AC featured in the KB, this should be mentioned.

Review of UFR studies and choice of test case

Provide a brief review of past studies of this UFR which have included test case comparisons of experimental measurements with CFD results. Identify your chosen study (or studies) on which the document will focus. State the test-case underlying the study and briefly explain how well this represents the UFR? Give reasons for this choice (e.g a well constructed test case, a recognised international comparison exercise, accurate measurements, good quality control, a rich variety of turbulence or physical models assessed etc.) . If possible, the study should be taken from established data bases. Indicate whether of not the experiments have been designed for the purpose of CFD validation (desirable but not mandatory)?

Contributed by: Suad Jakirlic — Technische Universität Darmstadt

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